The Mike Eldar case

The Israeli navy "Secrets"

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This is the page where I'll publish the Hebrew documnet of the "secrets" subject deleted from MIKE ELDAR book "Dakar".

You can find more "secret" data on the MIKE ELDAR story by searching Google or going to

more info to come

more info to come

Mike Eldar is 58 years old, married to Gila. Three daughters and six grand children. Mike retired as a navy Captain after a 20 years service on most Israeli navy vessels. He published 13 books. two of which were banned after publication.

More info will come


Yes, this list, with the Israeli censor's approval stamp, is "secrt" materal and banned by Israeli court.

English translation in the privous page

This list was deleted form a web site by Israeli field security, after being open for over two years.

The stupid Israeli officers let the "secrets" free, and then deketd them.

Here they are